Friday, April 13, 2012

The American Dream

The American Dream is for everything to be as perfect as it can be. In the movie Pleasantville everything was perfect and people had the same routine everyday. For example: The father would always comes home and say "Honey, I'm home" And then when he went to the kitchen she had dinner made for him already and everything. Also in the movie there weren't any other races other then Caucasian. They also didn't do anything sexual in the movie. Everything was literally perfect. In the movie the American Dream is the same for every single person. They all lived the same life and would have the same daily routines and stuff. The American Dream is hard to define because it's just not reality. Everything that happened in the movie could not happen in the real world at all. It's just not realistic. Part of the American Dream does exist though like, I know of some families that one of their parents would come home and dinner would be ready and everything. I know some of my friends parents don't allow them to watch Television in the morning and stuff like that. But some people's American Dreams are completely different. I know some people who want to be have all the money in the world and just be rich. That's their American Dream. So when you look at TV shows such as MTV cribs and stuff like that some people are actually living their dream and have fancy cars and live in a mansion and stuff like that. With the economy being as bad as it is some people can't afford to live the American Dream or anything like that. My American Dream would be for our whole world to just be at peace with and for everyone to get along. There wouldn't be any such thing as racism or bullying or anything like that. Anything someone could do or say to put someone down wouldn't exist at all. People dying every second wouldn't happen either.  I would also have A million dollars to live off of! That's my American Dream.

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