Tuesday, May 22, 2012

American Dream Essay US 2

I believe the value of dreams is very important. Everybody has dreams and everybody has something they want to do/achieve before they pass away. I believe if there's something you really want to do or be, you can do or be as long as you put your mind to it. No one can stop your from doing anything you want to do other then yourself. When I think about it society doesn't really suggest what your dream should be. I know a lot of my peers and stuff always say "Be what you want to be, not what someone else wants you to be" And yes I think anyone that has a dream can achieve it no matter what.

I would have to say my dream is to make it big in music. I've dedicated my whole life to music. That's literally all I do other then school and work. I wake up go to school spend half the time just listening to music go home and just work on music. It's all I do and it's all I have. I've even cut my social life down to the lowest it could be for music. I don't really hang out with people as much as I use to, because I work on music so much. I've decided that I'm going to change that because the more social I am with people and stuff is going to help me get a bigger fan base rather then me just staying at home and not hanging with people. I also want to have to kids. A son named Xavier and a daughter named Angel. I want to live in a big mansion with at least 4 cars i can choose to drive whenever. It's a big dream but I'm sure I can achieve it, if I work on it.

My Dream is very different from the traditional dream. Most people have small dreams that could be considered personal and not a lot of people would want people know them and stuff like that. My dream is completely opposite. To capture my dream I work on music 24/7. I'm trying to stay focus on my education too because you can't make it without an education. I won't be nearly as successful as I could be. The role I play in helping my dream become reality is putting in the work to make it come true. Laziness is the quickest way to fail at something. I record everything at my house and on my own. I'm learning how to mix and master. I'm putting in all the time to help it come true. Almost every single person I know plays a big part in helping my dream become reality. Without Fans I wouldn't be where I am today. I have to make music for people to connect too. Once I get more fans that will push me even more to make the music that I do today. The fact that I can just connect to people through words makes me happy.

I definitely think the American Dream is dead. I don't think anyone wants that "Perfect" American Dream type of life. I know part of the American Dream still goes on like coming home and dinner is made by the mother of the house and stuff like that. But today mothers have jobs and aren't trying to be that "Stay at home" Mom and stuff like that.

Generations do share similar dreams. I believe a majority of all dreams want to have a family. Have a family that's extremely close to each other and stuff like that.  Having dinner done when the father gets home from a long shift at work still goes on today with some families. Someday I do want to have a family and eventually live my American Dream.

Monday, May 21, 2012

US History 2 Movements

A movement is when a group of people set their minds to do something together to change something looking for a certain outcome. They often focus on social issues and stuff like that.My movement for US history 2 is the baby boom generation! They Baby Boom is important to history for many reasons! 79 million babies were born in the time period of 1946-1964. It's very important because it's when population increased a ton! This movement had a huge impact it showed how important it is to work together and help each other out with their lives and stuff like that. The baby boom is what makes life what it is today. People had to learn how to manufacture buildings and stuff like that.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Project

The purpose of the interview was to find out the story of the person we were interviewing. The questions that led to the best part of the Interview were "What are you most proud of?" and "What's the biggest lesson that you've learned?" The best part of the interview was when David told the story of how he got in trouble when he stole something when he was younger and his mother made him take it back to the store and apologize for taking what he did. It was the best part because it was kind of funny the way he told it. I learned from the interview that a lot of people make mistakes and do stuff they're not proud of but they don't let it defeat them. The impact that I want to leave on my family is that I love to help people and my community in any way that I can. I'm always volunteering for stuff even when I don't have to. I have a big heart and care about a lot of stuff.