Tuesday, February 28, 2012



 Perception is the way in which people view certain things. It's the the way something appears to someone. Not only the way they view it visually but all together. Perception impacts my understanding of history in many ways. I think history is very important and people should know why the world is what is today because of certain events. If my perception of history was that it was boring and there was no need to study it in school, then I wouldn't be interested in learning it and I wouldn't be putting in the effort into understanding it. The perspective that the movie was told in swayed my opinion in many ways,. It definitely helped me understand what happened and what the people went through because it was told in the view of someone that actually experienced what happened back in the day and stuff. No we wouldn't be able to tell the story of history if it wasn't told through a perspective at all. It would be a huge story of events that happened when no reason why, nobody would be able to tell us what happened after or anything like that. Someones perspective of something or someone could be wrong or right. A lot of people judge people because of where they come from or how they dress. They may have the perspective that someone is a gang member because they wear a red bandana when really it's just for fashion so perspective can be wrong or right it really just depends.

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