Tuesday, February 7, 2012


           Netiquette is the way that people act towards others on the internet. In many ways it's showing your character and who you are deep down inside. The Golden Rule of Netiquette is "To do unto others on the internet as you would have done to you." It's similar to the phrase treat others the way you want to be treated. Showing respect and not cyber bullying is a way of showing good Netiquette.

         It's Very important to use good netiquette at all time when on the internet. Using good Netiquette, you'll never have to worry about anything. You never know who's looking at what you post online, but it wouldn't matter if you're always posting good and positive things. Also anything you post online will will remain there forever. Even though you may erase anything you post it's never deleted. It will remain there forever. What you post online is also a reflection of you. So if you say bad and mean things to someone online you most likely will say bad things to them, in person.



  1. Excellent point! Everything you post does remain in cyberspace forever, and so does the impact that your words had on the person you hurt.

  2. Yes it does make a great point that stuff stays in cyberspace forever. For example, Facebook photos that have been deleted can still be accessed by direct link. This is true because of the amount of time it would take to delete them. By the time they are deleted they have already been copied by crawl machines. The way back machine, for another example. Practice good netiquette!
