Tuesday, May 22, 2012

American Dream Essay US 2

I believe the value of dreams is very important. Everybody has dreams and everybody has something they want to do/achieve before they pass away. I believe if there's something you really want to do or be, you can do or be as long as you put your mind to it. No one can stop your from doing anything you want to do other then yourself. When I think about it society doesn't really suggest what your dream should be. I know a lot of my peers and stuff always say "Be what you want to be, not what someone else wants you to be" And yes I think anyone that has a dream can achieve it no matter what.

I would have to say my dream is to make it big in music. I've dedicated my whole life to music. That's literally all I do other then school and work. I wake up go to school spend half the time just listening to music go home and just work on music. It's all I do and it's all I have. I've even cut my social life down to the lowest it could be for music. I don't really hang out with people as much as I use to, because I work on music so much. I've decided that I'm going to change that because the more social I am with people and stuff is going to help me get a bigger fan base rather then me just staying at home and not hanging with people. I also want to have to kids. A son named Xavier and a daughter named Angel. I want to live in a big mansion with at least 4 cars i can choose to drive whenever. It's a big dream but I'm sure I can achieve it, if I work on it.

My Dream is very different from the traditional dream. Most people have small dreams that could be considered personal and not a lot of people would want people know them and stuff like that. My dream is completely opposite. To capture my dream I work on music 24/7. I'm trying to stay focus on my education too because you can't make it without an education. I won't be nearly as successful as I could be. The role I play in helping my dream become reality is putting in the work to make it come true. Laziness is the quickest way to fail at something. I record everything at my house and on my own. I'm learning how to mix and master. I'm putting in all the time to help it come true. Almost every single person I know plays a big part in helping my dream become reality. Without Fans I wouldn't be where I am today. I have to make music for people to connect too. Once I get more fans that will push me even more to make the music that I do today. The fact that I can just connect to people through words makes me happy.

I definitely think the American Dream is dead. I don't think anyone wants that "Perfect" American Dream type of life. I know part of the American Dream still goes on like coming home and dinner is made by the mother of the house and stuff like that. But today mothers have jobs and aren't trying to be that "Stay at home" Mom and stuff like that.

Generations do share similar dreams. I believe a majority of all dreams want to have a family. Have a family that's extremely close to each other and stuff like that.  Having dinner done when the father gets home from a long shift at work still goes on today with some families. Someday I do want to have a family and eventually live my American Dream.

Monday, May 21, 2012

US History 2 Movements

A movement is when a group of people set their minds to do something together to change something looking for a certain outcome. They often focus on social issues and stuff like that.My movement for US history 2 is the baby boom generation! They Baby Boom is important to history for many reasons! 79 million babies were born in the time period of 1946-1964. It's very important because it's when population increased a ton! This movement had a huge impact it showed how important it is to work together and help each other out with their lives and stuff like that. The baby boom is what makes life what it is today. People had to learn how to manufacture buildings and stuff like that.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Project

The purpose of the interview was to find out the story of the person we were interviewing. The questions that led to the best part of the Interview were "What are you most proud of?" and "What's the biggest lesson that you've learned?" The best part of the interview was when David told the story of how he got in trouble when he stole something when he was younger and his mother made him take it back to the store and apologize for taking what he did. It was the best part because it was kind of funny the way he told it. I learned from the interview that a lot of people make mistakes and do stuff they're not proud of but they don't let it defeat them. The impact that I want to leave on my family is that I love to help people and my community in any way that I can. I'm always volunteering for stuff even when I don't have to. I have a big heart and care about a lot of stuff.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Story Corps

I've listed to 5 interviews on Story Corps.

The first one was the most interesting one. I listened to  "What's your life like now, Dad?" "Priya Morganstern and Bhavani Jaroff interview their father, Ken Morganstern, who has Alzheimer's disease." It was very interesting listening to them ask him questions to see if he was going to be able to remember certain things. His wife passed away four years ago and he said he had no idea he how he met her in New York. He remembers dating her just not how they met. It was also kind of funny, they asked him how many children he had and he said maybe four, and he couldn't remember his sons name.

What I noticed about all these interviews is that most of them are about something that means the most to them or something that truly affects them. Something that hits the heart and makes a change in their life. You can tell how much certain situations mean to them by the tone in their voice and everything. If anything was different it was actually the stories people would talk about. Which is what I expected, i don't think anyone could have the same story.


Well as you know throughout history there has been tons f people who have immigrated. You have the Chinese that came in the mid 1800's.

 Modernization and population growth forced many Germans from their respective family businesses. Also, modernization made immigrating more convenient and faster with inventions such as the steam boat and steam train. Many Germans took long, complicated, but cheap routes through Great Britain by way of train and boat to get to the United States. Most of the Germans that migrated lived on the countryside. Only about two fifths lived in cities with more then 25,000 People. Around the 1870 the German born farmers made up one third of the agriculture business in the region. Most of them immigrated because of the Civil unrest, and unemployment. "Most German immigrants were Protestants, with Lutheranism by far the most denomination; perhaps a third of German immigrants were Catholics, and around 250,000 were Jewish. With the Lutheran community in the United States there was considerable friction. Nineteenth-century German Lutheran immigrants found that the existing German Lutheran churches in the US had developed into what, to them, were unwelcome tendencies. Most had been Americanized enough so that English was used for all or part of their services"

Friday, April 13, 2012

The American Dream

The American Dream is for everything to be as perfect as it can be. In the movie Pleasantville everything was perfect and people had the same routine everyday. For example: The father would always comes home and say "Honey, I'm home" And then when he went to the kitchen she had dinner made for him already and everything. Also in the movie there weren't any other races other then Caucasian. They also didn't do anything sexual in the movie. Everything was literally perfect. In the movie the American Dream is the same for every single person. They all lived the same life and would have the same daily routines and stuff. The American Dream is hard to define because it's just not reality. Everything that happened in the movie could not happen in the real world at all. It's just not realistic. Part of the American Dream does exist though like, I know of some families that one of their parents would come home and dinner would be ready and everything. I know some of my friends parents don't allow them to watch Television in the morning and stuff like that. But some people's American Dreams are completely different. I know some people who want to be have all the money in the world and just be rich. That's their American Dream. So when you look at TV shows such as MTV cribs and stuff like that some people are actually living their dream and have fancy cars and live in a mansion and stuff like that. With the economy being as bad as it is some people can't afford to live the American Dream or anything like that. My American Dream would be for our whole world to just be at peace with and for everyone to get along. There wouldn't be any such thing as racism or bullying or anything like that. Anything someone could do or say to put someone down wouldn't exist at all. People dying every second wouldn't happen either.  I would also have A million dollars to live off of! That's my American Dream.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Movments (Learning)

A movement is when a group of people set their minds to do something together to change something looking for a certain outcome. They often focus on social issues and stuff like that. My movement is important in History for many reasons. The definition of Imperialism is "The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies." With that being the definition a lot of people would go out and extend the power and rules of what they had to follow. In more simple words it's basically people liked to bend the rules and try and get away with certain stuff. Basically a lot of Nations were pushing outward and trying to be above the government, wanting more wealth and resources and stuff like that. A lot of countries thought Imperialism would work but in the long run and short run it didn't turn out to favor them at all, because when they got their independence they had a hard time dealing with it. If there's anything that I would want to learn more about is what was going through their head when they thought this would work. Like if I could talk to someone from back in the day that lived in that time period I would ask them how they felt and what was going through their mind and etc. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Conflict (Doing)

Enlisting : http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/battlelines/chapter1_7a.html

Above is a link to a letter that a soldier wrote to his family. The letter was written for his daughter to read. Throughout the letter he explained how much he missed his daughter and his family and how much he loved them too. He was also explaining how he has to go and find the bad guy and go meet and talk to him. The soldiers name is Christopher Lake and his conflict is being separated from his family while fighting in Iraq.

Comforts Of home: http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/battlelines/chapter2/chapter2_2a.html

The link above is a link to a letter that a a soldier wrote while he was enlisted in the army. His name is Ebenezer Pearce. The letter was talking about all of the holidays that he once enjoyed with his sister and all of the meals they once had. He joined the army in July of 1861 and he was discharged in January of 1864. He missed out on all the holidays and all of traditions him and his sister had while being in the Army. He missed the "Happy family gathering around the fire place at home" He also wishes his sister a happy Merry Christmas.

Love: http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/battlelines/chapter3/chapter3_5a.html

Melvin Purvis wrote a two page letter to his wife explaining how much he missed her and explaining the way she felt about him not being there was the way he felt too and that the feeling was mutual. He told her to remain strong and to not give up and to keep her head up and that he'll be home soon. She also was pregnant and was going to have their baby soon and he told her she needed to focus on that.

Combat: http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/battlelines/chapter4/chapter4_8a.html

This letter was written in E-mail to his grandfather. Mark Rickert was a journalist and he also took picture of sites him and his crew visited. In this E-mail he was disgusting what him and his group of people discovered at what was suppose to be a "Mass Grave" He said they discovered a skull and you can still see where this guy was shot in the head right between the two eye sockets.

End Of War: http://www.gilderlehrman.org/collection/battlelines/chapter5/chapter5_2a.html

James Monroe The fifth president wrote a letter describing how one of his soldiers had a lot of heart. How brave his soldier was for fighting and not giving up. He presented a sword to him for good actions, almost as a reward. He says "But you repaired to the field, at the head of the regiment of volunteer, and met the enemy at one of the points, where he was most formidable."  That's showing a lot of bravery and putting his life down and in jeopardy.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


In my opinion conflict is a problem or a situation in which people don't completely agree on certain things but there's always a solution. There's tons of things that causes conflict in this world. Sometimes when people state their opinion, it causes a lot of problems because a lot of people disagree with what they're saying. People and their actions cause a lot of conflicts. Conflicts can be caused by a lot of different things. I don't think that conflict is always negative. You could had a conflict with solving math problems. You're trying to get the right answer to a question, but you're having trouble doing that. That's not really a negative conflict you just have to figure out what you're doing wrong. There are times where conflict is necessary but I don't think any one wants or tries to start conflict on purpose. I think sometimes it is necessary because you learn from your mistakes. So if you run into a conflict because you made a mistake doing something, you'll eventually learn from it. There's tons of things you can do to overcome conflicts. With people, you can talk things out and come to an agreement. Some people have conflicts within inside them, internal conflicts. Sometimes people can just write out how they feel and stuff to get things of their minds that could be causing stress. They can talk to people to and express how they feel.  I've learned a lot going through many conflicts and it's changed who I am as a person. Also it has changed the view things. I now know what to do in certain situations, I know how to handle them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



 Perception is the way in which people view certain things. It's the the way something appears to someone. Not only the way they view it visually but all together. Perception impacts my understanding of history in many ways. I think history is very important and people should know why the world is what is today because of certain events. If my perception of history was that it was boring and there was no need to study it in school, then I wouldn't be interested in learning it and I wouldn't be putting in the effort into understanding it. The perspective that the movie was told in swayed my opinion in many ways,. It definitely helped me understand what happened and what the people went through because it was told in the view of someone that actually experienced what happened back in the day and stuff. No we wouldn't be able to tell the story of history if it wasn't told through a perspective at all. It would be a huge story of events that happened when no reason why, nobody would be able to tell us what happened after or anything like that. Someones perspective of something or someone could be wrong or right. A lot of people judge people because of where they come from or how they dress. They may have the perspective that someone is a gang member because they wear a red bandana when really it's just for fashion so perspective can be wrong or right it really just depends.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Using The Past


It's very important to look at primary and secondary sources when it comes to historical events for many reasons. Primary resources are more reliable then secondary sources because it's the actual thing. If you analyze both you will see some differences. Primary sources are old and proof that something actually existed. Secondary sources are information taken from other sources. So say someone had an article about the West Des Moines, Valley Tigers and how they were state champs this year., that was printed the following day. That would be a primary source. It wouldn't be the same thing as someone having a magazine and in the magazine is a photo of the newspaper talking about the football team. Most people are more likely too choose the primary source over the secondary source because it's the actual thing. Another primary source could be a story told by someone. Lets say if someone was telling a story about them being in WWII and their experience, you're more likely to believe them and actually understand how they feel. A Secondary source would be a teacher telling other peoples experiences from what she's heard from other people.

It's more important to know hot to analyze documents and what happened in history then to memorize dates for multiple reasons. First of all learning dates of Wars and events, really isn't teaching you anything or then when something took place. If you know how to analyze historical events you will learn a lot from it. You're learning what happened, why it happens, what events lead up to something, etc.


My Project was on women's rights and freedom. Back in the day females didn't have any rights, or freedom. The only thing they could do was stay at home and watch the kids while their husband was gone. That soon came to an end.

I found many articles explaining how women finally gained freedom from just sitting back at home and watching their kids. I found a secondary source which was a poster with a female on it dressed up in a marine sergeant's suit. From the poster they were trying to express, that people should come out and volunteer to help out the Marines, and it worked! "The Marine Corps almost doubled its strength with the addition of 60,189 men." I also came across a primary source that was a recruitment brochure. May 14, 1942 congress approved of a women's Army Auxiliary Corps for women to serve in noncombatant military positions. This way, it's more safe and they're more likely not to get killed. Also, the year of 1990 The U.S. Army had a recruiting poster, with a slogan "Army. Be All You Can Be." There's a female wearing a aviation flight hat, indicating females flying planes. So there were a lot of changes and females actually had jobs and a lot more freedom.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


           Netiquette is the way that people act towards others on the internet. In many ways it's showing your character and who you are deep down inside. The Golden Rule of Netiquette is "To do unto others on the internet as you would have done to you." It's similar to the phrase treat others the way you want to be treated. Showing respect and not cyber bullying is a way of showing good Netiquette.

         It's Very important to use good netiquette at all time when on the internet. Using good Netiquette, you'll never have to worry about anything. You never know who's looking at what you post online, but it wouldn't matter if you're always posting good and positive things. Also anything you post online will will remain there forever. Even though you may erase anything you post it's never deleted. It will remain there forever. What you post online is also a reflection of you. So if you say bad and mean things to someone online you most likely will say bad things to them, in person.